Agriculture Scales
Made specifically for the farmer and rancher, Agriculture Scales / Livestock Scales provide innovative solutions for a wide variety of animal weighing needs. Livestock scales are made to weigh multiple head of cattle in stockyards, feed lots, and private farms.
The single animal livestock scale can comfortably weigh smaller single animals such as swine, horses, sheep, goats, and cattle one by one with incredibly high accuracy. Scale Market place also has portable options for ranchers that have larger areas to cover. Scale Market place Mobile and Portable livestock scales are meant to bring the scale to the herd or the market.
The Mobile livestock scale can be hooked up to a vehicle to move, and the Portable model can be moved with the aid of farm machinery. These models feature high-grade paneling, component decks, swing gates that can be customized, and indicators meant to withstand the elements and print out legal-for-trade weight tickets.
Scale Market Place livestock models offer the best portability, resilience, and quality when weighing single for multiple animals for stationary or mobile use.